Books, books, and more books! Thanks to the generosity of Asbury students, about 700 lbs of textbooks were collected this year for Kenya Highlands Bible College in Kericho, Kenya. This small school has a meager supply of resources for their students, often finding students in the position of having to share the use of one textbook between an entire class.
When freshman Jessica Rupright (photographed above with her mother) heard about this situation from the Caulders (former missionaries and professors at KHBC) at Global Cafe last fall, she applied for and was selected to receive a grant to assist in meeting this need. With the aid of some friends, she set out collection boxes around campus to collect used textbooks at the end of the fall and spring semesters. The response was incredible and resulted in the collection of several hundred books. This past week Jessica and her mom came over to the student center and spent Monday evening and Tuesday morning sorting, cataloguing and boxing up the books to be ready to ship overseas. The grant funds will be used to cover postage for shipping about half of the books collected. If you want to participate in this project and contribute to cover postage for the other half, please contact Nathan, Cydil, or Jessica.