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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Day 2: Tourism

Today we took on the role of the typical American tourist. Fully equipped with cameras, backpacks, maps, paper bag lunches, etc., we ventured out early this morning into the city of Budapest where we took in the sights, sounds, and smells of this beautiful western European town. We took advantage of the public transportation system (one of my favorite things in Europe), as well as the availability of caffeine (which is a necessity in our battle against jet lag). Many pictures were taken, much laughter ensued, and the excitement about the coming week swelled in each of us. Tomorrow we look forward to orientation with the whole group...Asbury work team, VIAs, translators, missionaries, and friends...and an evening consumed by World Cup madness!

Your prayers are powerful and effective and God has been faithful in answering. Your support is so encouraging to us all and we are eager to share with you what God has in store for us and for the people of Hungary in the coming days.

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