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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Slideshow 09/29/06

Double click on the "play" button to see picts from the MK party

'Family' Reunion

We've got quite the party goin' on over here tonight! There's over 20 WGM MKs from 7 countries on 4 different continents gathered at the student center this evening. We're pleased to host some of our WGM family that has traveled down from IWU for a weekend get together with us Asbury folks. There's been Chinese food, some DDR & Eye Toy Groove, "4 on a couch," and a trip to Starbucks ... and the weekend's not over yet!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Dinner @ WGM...

It's not every weekend that we have a group of guys over here at 3 on a Friday afternoon concocting yummy smells in the kitchen and asking me about the whereabouts of cake pans! As you can see, they rearranged some furniture and look to have a great time providing dinner for some lucky friends before heading out to artist series later this evening!

Spring Break 2007 -- Irapuato, Mexico

We are excited to announce that we will be taking a team to central Mexico (Irapuato) to work with Asbury alum & WGM missionary, Chrissy Greenwell. A few days ago I spoke with one of my WGM colleagues who led a team to Irapuato last spring and she remarked that it was one of the most fulfilling trips in which she had ever participated! She also said Chrissy kept them BUSY and engaged with nationals every day, all day long.
To learn more about the trip and view the promo slide show, please follow this link.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

9/24/06 GC Re-cap

Sorry this is a bit late! I (Cydil) have been up in Indiana since Monday for meetings with the WGM Homeland staff in Marion, Indiana. For those of you who were not here, Dr. Renfroe (Kenya) provided Sunday's Global Cafe` program. We were pleased to have so many students here interested in learning about the HIV/AIDs program in which he is involved. Hopefully we'll have the MP3 posted sometime this weekend... and I won't go so long before my next posting. :-)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Collegian articles, Honduras, bacon grease, and GC plug

I FINALLY got my hands on a Collegian this afternoon and want to thank Ms. Carlisle for a great article! (For those of you who haven't seen it yet, there's an article about the WGM Student Center in the "Life" section of the school paper). She touched on pretty much everything significant and then some! We really appreciate the exposure and hope that the Collegian's readers find it helpful.

Another Collegian article worth mentioning is Shannon Elder's write-up about the Kingdom Business team's trip to Honduras through WGM in May. This was the Business Department's 2nd trip to Honduras under the leadership of Dr. Sandra Gray, department chair and also member of WGM's Board of Directors. If you're a business major (or minor) that's never been on one of these teams, please consider going next year! It's an exciting way to see how God can use your education and skills in making the difference in the lives of some people in need, all the while building up His church in Honduras.

On another vein, if you're reading this from outside of Wilmore, it's been raining a LOT here. One of my good friends, Jan, e-mailed me from DC to say she saw us (Central KY) on the weather channel. When the weather's yukky, the center is busier. If you are reading this from campus and decide to come over, you may detect a hint of bacon grease in the air. That's because we hosted the Kentucky Chapter of Men With Vision Friday night & Saturday morning. They may be a bunch of guys (interested in missions), but they know how to cook! Unfortunately, it's too humid for us to prop some doors open and air the place out. :-) Hopefully it won't linger too much longer.

Before I close, I want to encourage you to come to Global Cafe` tomorrow night! We will have a doctor to AIDS patients in Kenya sharing here. Dr. Philip Renfroe will surely leave you with something to think about! Hope to see you here Sunday at 6!
guten abend! cnw

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

IMPACT returns!

I was under the weather on Saturday morning and I didn't get to thank these lovely folks in person so I'm taking the opportunity here to thank them publicly for their service! As you may note in earlier postings, we had a crew of freshmen and TAG leaders come help us in the weather treating of the student center deck. Shortly after they left we got a hard rain which washed away a good bit of what they did! We were grateful for these guys who came over the weekend to make sure we got everything protected before the fall hits!

Watch a brief slideshow here... (Thanks, Elicia, for filling in as photographer!)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Zach Motts (Japan) @ G.C. (9/17/06)

If you missed last night, you missed a good Global Cafe`! Zach did an awesome job sharing about the needs in Japan, while sharing his own personal story of his call to invest his life there. I'll let you know when the audio is posted online. Meanwhile, there's a few picts below. Click here for the slideshow.

A little editorial explanation for those of you who weren't here for Zach's great bean demonstration. Typically performed for Sunday school kids, he graciously shared it with us too. Hey, we remember that kind of stuff, don't we? The light-colored beans represent those who claim to be Christians, the dark-colored beans represent those who do not claim Christianity. The pile on the left represents the U.S., the pile on the right represents Japan (see photo below).

Luke & Teresa at the coffee bar

The infamous piles of beans. Now to further underscore how few Christians live in Japan, consider that 2/3 of those "white beans" in the right-hand pile that claim the title "Christian" are actually cults...

a few of us praying for Zach at the end of his message...

New Additions to our DVD Resource Library

I always love getting unexpected packages in the mailbox! (Duh! Who doesn't?) This afternoon's surprise package held 2 new DVDs from WGM's media department, Ideas in Motion. The first DVD is the newly released Paraguay Field video. Paraguay is a little-known-of country in the heart of S. America with BIG needs! The 2nd DVD is all about how one can intern at WGM doing web design, media, photography, writing, information technology, and graphic design. Are one of those items a passion of yours? Come to the student center to watch this video (or click here for a Quicktime movie) and see how you can further the Kingdom through producing top-shelf material to promote the missionaries and ministries of WGM!

These DVDs, along with several others, can be found on the bookshelves across the hall from the student center office. If you're going to take them out of the student center, sign them out with us first, please. Otherwise, just pop 'em in one of our DVD players here and enjoy!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Learn about Japan...

This Sunday we're going to be hosting Asbury grad, Zach Motts ('05) who is headed to Japan as a missionary with WGM. In preparation for his visit I've been studying up on the challenges facing missionaries in Japan so we can better support and pray for Zach as well as communicate those issues to those who come here Sunday night!

This morning I assembled some of that information in the form of slides accompanied by some great photos by our friend and WGM colleague, Bob Bushong. I was super excited because I just got these photos yesterday from Zach! I particularly liked this image of this young mother with her child. After reading the sobering statistics on the few numbers of Christians living in Japan and the even fewer numbers of pastors and missionaries, one has to wonder if this young woman and her little boy will ever hear about Jesus?

Click here to view the slideshow of images and information...

Jeannie Banter -- Global Cafe` 9/10/06

Sunday's Global Cafe` brought out a HUGE crowd (~120 folks!) to hear Jeannie Banter's testimony about her time in Congo this last summer. If you missed it, you can link here to download the audio from Sunday's service. To see more photos from the evening, click here for the slideshow.
And oh yeah, (I was chided by Jonathan for neglecting to mention this sooner), go Bucks! Way to beat Texas Saturday!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Cabinet Retreat '06 -- the slideshow

View a slide show from our retreat this weekend by clicking here. I'll write more tomorrow(?). It's halftime of the Ohio State/Texas game...

Friday, September 08, 2006

Going away...

Hey everyone... the student center is going to be closed for about 24 hours (starting late this afternoon) while we go to the Gorge with the cabinet for our annual brainstorming/planning retreat. We are excited because the forecast looks great and it's been way too long since our last visit (I just hope we can remember how to find some of our favorite trails)! A good number in our crew have never been before so we're anxious to introduce them to one of Kentucky's prettiest parks. I hope to get some fun picts to make into a slideshow when we get back. I'll be sure to post them here on this blog as soon as it's finished!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Holiday Weekends

Who doesn't love a three-day weekend? Sometimes I think we look for too many excuses to take a day off, but today I was grateful that someone instituted a holiday TODAY! I know we've only had two weeks of classes, but we managed to cram them quite full, eh?

This holiday weekend, while we didn't take it completely off, we did manage to set aside some time for a couple of fun things:
1.) the Ohio State football game -- though the blowout was evident early on, it was still fun to celebrate the start of the college football season,
2.) impromptu Sunday night movie night after Global Cafe` (which we still had 'cause we figured that most folks were still on campus, which they were, and we had a great time with Tim Bailie) -- with the projector still out and speakers set up, we popped some microwave popcorn and found some cold Ale8 and settled in for a guilt-free late night movie with some student friends!
3.) playing with some new actions in Photoshop CS2 on my favorite photos from Hungary! (if you don't know what that is, don't feel dumb, I just learned about "actions" a few months ago myself -- they're basically a very easy way to snazz up ordinary photos)

And while this isn't really related to the subject matter of this post at all, I really enjoyed church yesterday! If you like to download sermons, I recommend you listen to Dr. Elliott's sermon yesterday on the Parable of the Sower (otherwise known as the Parable of the Soils). So many ramifications on the way I think about missions, not to mention the other personal applications! Click here for a link to FAC's audio download page, then select the message for September 3.

Sorry I have no photo today! I guess I was really in the spirit of the holiday and rested the camera as well. :-) Cydil